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Tertanggal 19/09/2024



1. What is Pulpower?

Pulpower is a site that brings together several free draws, competitions and games where users can win fantastic prizes. You can find the information about these prizes, draws and games here.
Yes, all draws and competitions in Pulpower.com are completely free. You won't spend any money playing. You only need to sign up. The option of participating is always free, you will never be charged for a draw participation.
Tokens are points that you have to accumulate and then exchange them for different prizes offered every day in Pulpower. You exchange tokens for participations in the prize draws, the more participations the more possibilities of winning a prize. From the first time you sign up, your tokens validate your status.
To contact Pulpower all you need to do is write an email to [email protected] or phone 0044 1989320006. Our customer service will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Of course. Our users can request to be unsubscribed from Pulpower's database through [email protected] or on the phone: 0044 1989320006
If you wish to change any data you have to send an email to [email protected] requesting its modification.
Depending on how many tokens you have, your status will change. There are up to 15 levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Amber, Pearl, Quartz, Turquoise, Coral, Topaz, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, Diamond and Black Diamond.
Playing the various games and with each of them you will get tokens. Roulette, PowerBalls, IQTest, ScratchPower, TressurePower,
To activate the PowerRoulette you must finish all the games. Once they are finished, the PowerRoulette will be unlocked and you will be able to get up to 100.000 tokens from a single throw.